Proaxia Seamless Service – digitized service processing with SAP

Based on incomplete service processes and historically evolved IT landscapes, companies in the manufacturing industry are often confronted with the problem of an inconsistent and inefficient service experience. While OEMs strive to create the perfect service experience, they often fail because they are unable to effectively use different service channels or have the right information when needed.

In this showcase, we will demonstrate how end-to-end service processing works and how both customers and employees of OEMs benefit from this fully integrated approach.

Our proaxia “Seamless Service” approach enables globally harmonized service processes that exceed customer expectations. And OEMs can concentrate on dealing with complex service problems or developing new services in order to increase sales and returns in service. Service Teams will have full transparency and control over seamlessly integrated processes based on SAP solutions. This means you can successfully transform your service business without having to worry about the challenges of IT implementation.

Our demo includes a fully integrated digital solution process for end-to-end service processing: This begins with the service request created in proaxia Customer Self-Service (CSS), ticket processing in SAP C4C Service Cloud, service appointment preparation with SAP Field Service Management as well as the subsequent service deployment and ends with the invoice created from SAP S/4HANA, which in turn is available in proaxia CSS.

Interactive dialogues between SAP and proaxia experts offer you additional insights into the advantages and future strategies of such a seamless service experience.

  • Exceed customer expectations & outperform existing service level agreements
  • Improve response, resolution times & first-time-fix
  • Digitize your Service Journey based on SAP Service Excellence Portfolio & proaxia Customer Self Service Portal
  • Adopt fast with proaxia accelerators & Starter Packages in the SAP Industry Value Package

Björn Wolf

Sales Director Germany
Proaxia Consulting Group


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